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The Document-Term Matrix

About the Document-Term Matrix¤

A document-term matrix (DTM) is the standard interface for analysis and information of document data. It consists in its raw form of a list of token counts per document in the corpus. Each unique token form is called a term. Thus it is really a list of term counts per document, arranged as matrix.

In the Lexos App, sklearn's CountVectorizer is used to produce the DTM. In the Lexos API, Textacy's Vectorizer is the default vectorizer. Here is a vanilla implication to get a DTM containing the raw term counts for each document.

from textacy.representations.vectorizers import Vectorizer

vectorizer = Vectorizer(

tokenized_docs = (LexosDoc(doc).get_tokens() for doc in docs)
doc_term_matrix = vectorizer.fit_transform(tokenized_docs)

The main advantage of this procedure is that sklearn's CountVectorizer employs a regular expression pattern to tokenize the text and has very limited functionality to implement the kind of language-specific knowledge available in a document tokenised with a language model.

Getting Term Counts and Frequencies¤

The Lexos API provides an easy method of using the Vectorizer to retrieve term counts or frequencies from a single document and returning the results in a pandas dataframe.

from lexos.dtm import get_doc_term_counts
df = get_doc_term_counts(docs, as_df=True)

Setting normalize=True will return relative frequencies instead of raw counts. dtm.get_doc_term_counts() has various parameters for limiting and filtering the output based on token labels or regex patterns.

The DTM Class¤

Lexos also wraps Textacy's Vectorizer in the DTM class with greater functionality. You can import it with

from lexos.dtm import DTM

Most work will leverage the DTM class to builds a document-term matrix and provide methods for manipulating the information held therein. The standard method of creating a DTM object is as follows:

labels = ["Pride_and_Prejudice", "Sense_and_Sensibility"]
dtm = DTM(docs, labels)

The labels are human-readable names for the documents which would otherwise be referenced by numeric indices.

Instantiating a DTM object creates a vectorizer. By default, this is a Textacy Vectorizer object with parameters set to produce raw counts. The vectorizer settings can be viewed by calling lexos.dtm.vectorizer_settings and they can be adjusted by calling set_vectorizer(). The vectorizer is an object, so you can also inspect individual vectorizer settings with calls like DTM.vectorizer.idf_type.


After changing the settings of an object, you must call to rebuild the document-term matrix.

Getting a Term Counts Table¤

The DTM class method for getting a table of raw term counts is DTM.get_table(). You can also callDTM.table, which will return a table based on state after the last` was called. The options are as follows:

# Get a table of counts with documents as columns and terms as rows
df = dtm.get_table()

# Get a table of counts with terms as columns and documents as rows
df = dtm.get_table(transpose=True)

The second option is equivalent to calling dtm.get_table().T, using pandas notation. The dtm.get_table() output is generally intended to allow you to use the pandas API once you have the data in the form of a pandas dataframe.

If you change vectorizer settings, remember to rebuild the DTM. For instance, you want to use the Lexos app's implementation of TF-IDF, you would use the following:

dtm.set_vectorizer(tf_type="log", idf_type="smooth", norm="l2")
df = dtm.get_table()


Currently, resets dtm.table=None, so you will need to call DTM.get_table() to use the new vectorizer. This is intended to reduce overhead if an app only needs to interact directly with the vectorizer. Perhaps down the line, it might be advisable to give a boolean parameter to allow the user to decide whether the table gets regenerated automatically.


The Lexos culling function is now handled by the min_df parameter and extended by the max_df parameter in the vectorizer. The Lexos most frequent words function is handled by max_n_terms. But see the section below.

Getting Statistics from the DTM¤

Pandas has methods for calculating the sum, mean, and median of rows in the table. However, to save users from Googling, the DTM class has the DTM.get_stats_table() method that calculates these statistics and adds them to the columns in the default DTM table.

stats_table = dtm.get_stats_table(["sum", "mean", "median"])

Once the new dataframe is generated, it is easy to extract the data to a list with standard pandas syntax like stats_table["sum"].values.tolist().

The table can also be sorted using pandas to get the most or least frequent terms:

most_frequent = stats_table.sort_values(by="sum", ascending=False).head()
least_frequent = stats_table.sort_values(by="sum", ascending=False).head()

Getting Relative Frequencies¤

DTM.get_freq_table() converts the raw counts in the default DTM table to relative frequencies. Since the resulting values are typically floats, there is an option to set the number of digits used for rounding.

frequency_table = dtm.get_freq_table(rounding=2, as_percent=True)

The setting as_percent=True multiples the frequencies by 100. The default is False.

Getting Lists of Terms and Term Counts¤

By default, most of the DTM methods return a pandas dataframe. Two methods provide output in the form of lists. DTM.get_terms() provides a simple, alphabetised list of terms in the document-term matrix. DTM.get_counts() returns a list of tuples with terms as the first element and sums (the total number of occurrences of the term in all documents) as the second element. This method has parameters for sorting by column and direction. By default, terms are sorted by natsort.ns.LOCALE (i.e. the computer's locale is used for the sorting algorithm). This can be configured using the options in the Python natsort reference.

Visualising the DTM¤

Once a document-term matrix table has been generated as a pandas dataframe, it becomes possible to use any of the pandas.DataFrame.plot methods, or to export the data for use with other tools. However, the Lexos API has two built-in visualisations: word clouds and bubble charts. Word clouds can be generated for the entire DTM or for individual documents. Multiple word clouds arrange for comparison are referred to as multiclouds. For information on generating these and other visualizations, see the Visualization page.