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The Corpus module consists of a Corpus class that helps you manage assets in your workflow and serialize them to disk for later use. It is strictly optional; you may find it sufficient to load your documents into memory with a Loader or to manage your corpus assets independently through a different application.

It is important to realise that a Lexos Corpus is primarily a manager for project assets; it is not used for acquiring those assets and is not used for analysing them, apart from the generation of a few statistics. In general, using a Corpus will require a workflow like the following:

  1. Use Loader to acquire texts.
  2. Optionally, use Scrubber to perform any required preprocessing on the texts in Loader.texts.
  3. Optionally, use Tokenizer to convert the original or scrubbed texts to spaCy Doc objects.
  4. Add the documents (texts or spaCy Doc objects) to the Corpus.

If you wished to analyse the documents, you would get them from the Corpus and run them through Tokenizer if you did not do so before adding them.

From this workflow, you should be able to see that you can skip the Corpus entirely. The Corpus simply allows you to attach metadata to the documents, such as a name, description, or classification label, and to save them to and retrieve them from disk easily. One of the important metadata categories is whether or not a document is active. A Corpus allows you to retrieve subsets of your documents based on this and other metadata categories.

Creating a Corpus¤

Begin by importing the Corpus module:

import lexos.corpus as cp

We use the cp alias so that we can use corpus as a variable below:

corpus = cp.Corpus(
    name="My Corpus",
    description="My test corpus",

The name, description, and corpus_dir arguments are all optional. corpus_dir is the directory where the corpus will be stored, and the default is "corpus" in the current directory. You can use additional keywords to instantiate the corpus with other metadata such as author or creation date. When you run the code above, the corpus directory will be created if it does not already exist.

You can view your corpus metadata in a number of ways:

Corpus.meta_table() will return an overview of your corpus as a pandas dataframe. You can also view this information as a dict with corpus.meta. The following individual properties can also be viewed:

  • ids: A list of document ids in the Corpus.
  • names: A list of document names in the Corpus.
  • docs: A dict of document ids and docs in the Corpus if you have opted to cache them to RAM.
  • num_docs: The number of docs in the Corpus.
  • num_active_docs: The number of active docs in the Corpus.
  • num_tokens: The number of tokens in the Corpus.
  • num_terms: The number of terms in the Corpus.
  • terms: A set of unique terms in the Corpus.

Call these functions with code like Corpus.num_tokens. You can also get a Python collections Counter object containing the corpus term counts with Corpus.get_term_counts().

These attributes should all be empty or 0 when the corpus is first created.


The Corpus class is constructed using Pydantic's BaseModel class. This means that it has access to any of Pydantic's attributes and methods, such as dict() and json().

Corpus Records¤

The basic unit of storage in a Corpus is a Record object. This is a Python object that provides access to the record's content and its metadata. Constructing a Record is simple. You just have to feed it some content and, in most cases, give it a name:

record = Record(content=mydoc, name="greeting")

Behind the scenes, the Record class will give the record a default id of 1 (unless you specify a different integer) and set the is_active property to True (unless you set instantiate the object with it set to False). See lexos.corpus.Record for other arguments that can be passed to the Record class.

You can also create a Record from a dict using Pydantic's parse_obj() method:

record = Record.parse_obj({"content": mydoc, "name": "greeting"})

See the Pydantic documentation for helper functions for parsing json or file content into objects.

Once instantiated, a record provides access to the following information:

  • preview: A preview of the first 50 characters of the record's text.
  • terms: A set of unique terms in the record's content.
  • text: The full text of the record's content.
  • tokens: A list of tokens in the record's content.
  • num_terms: The number of unique terms in the record's content.
  • num_tokens: The number of tokens in the record's content.


Term counts do not collapse upper- and lower-case words, so, if this is important, you must get the tokens, convert to lower case, and then generate the list of terms yourself. Alternatively, you may use Scrubber to preprocess your data before creating the Record object.

Record.set() allows you to set arbitrary Record attributes (such as author or date), and allows you to save the file to disk.


When a Record object is saved to disk, it is serialized as a binary pickle file, which is not human readable. To restore it, you use a normal Python method of reading a binary file:

with open(filename, "rb") as f:
    record = pickle.load(f)

The pickle format is not considered secure, so never unpickle a file you do not trust.

In the latest version of spaCy, it is possible to serialize to JSON, but these methods have not yet been integrated in the Lexos API.

The Record class accepts content only in the form of a pre-tokenized spaCy doc. However, it is possible to store an untokenized text by creating a blank spaCy language model and feeding it the lexos.corpus.NullTokenizer class. This simply returns a spaCy doc with the text as a single token.

nlp = spacy.blank("xx")

nlp.tokenizer = NullTokenizer(nlp.vocab)

content = nlp(content)

record = Record(content)

Note that the entire text will be counted as a single token and a single term, so it is preferable to tokenize the text first or to plan to do so later.

If the content is already a tokenized document, it is necessary to label it as such in the metadata. Here is an example of how you would do it:

import spacy

nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")

doc = nlp("Hi there!")

record = Record(content=doc, name="greeting", is_parsed=True)

The is_parsed attribute allows Corpus to know that it is dealing with a tokenized document. You can still access the full text by calling record.text, but you can also access individual tokens by calling record.content[0] (to get the first token).

If you want a dictionary with a record's full metadata, probably the easiest method is metadata = record.dict().remove("content").

Why serialize records with pickle?

A Lexos Record is a Python object which contains a spaCy Doc object which contains spaCy Token objects. This complex structure creates a scenario which cannot be handled by other serialization formats without some serious hacks. There are some concerns about whether serialization and de-serialization will be fast enough when working with many records in a corpus (and lesser concerns about the security of the format), but for the moment it is the easiest and most straightforward format to work with. This is something to be revisited at a future date, especially now that spaCy has added a Doc.to_json() method.

Adding Records to a Corpus¤

Adding records to a corpus is simple with Corpus.add_record():

record = Record(content=doc, name="greeting", is_parsed=True)

corpus.add_record(record, cache=True)

There is also a Corpus.add_records(), which takes a list of records.

By default, the record's content is not cached in memory; instead, the entire record is serialized to disk. If you want to keep it in memory, you can set cache=True (as above). This will allow you to access the record from without having to fetch the record from disk.


At present the docs property in the Corpus class is the only place where a clear distinction between a "record" and a "document" is made.

Adding Documents to a Corpus¤

It is not necessary to pre-generate records from documents before adding them to a corpus. You can also use Corpus.add() to add a document directly:

# Use a text string
unparsed_doc = "Hi there!"
corpus.add_record(unparsed_doc, name="greeting")

# Create
parsed_doc = nlp("This is a full sentence.")
corpus.add(content=parsed_doc, name="sentence", is_parsed=True)

By default, the is_active attribute is True.

You can set additional metadata properties by supplying a metadata dict:

metadata = {"author": "John Smith", "date": "2011"}


The corresponding Corpus.add_docs() allows you to insert multiple documents. The format is a little more complicated. It takes a list of dicts with the document as the value of the content property:

docs = [
    {"content": doc1, "name": "Doc 1"},
    {"content": doc2, "name": "Doc 2"},

corpus.add_docs(docs, cache=True)

All the arguments accepted by Corpus.add() can be set as keys in the docs dictionary.


Whether you are adding documents or records to a corpus, a check is made to ensure that the records stored have unique id, name, and filename attributes. If you do not specify a name for a document or record, a UUID will be used instead and will be used to generate a corresponding filename. The results of this can be unwieldy. In the future, some other method of ensuring uniqueness will be explored.

Getting Records from the Corpus¤

Individual records can be fetched using Corpus.get() with a record id:

record = corpus.get(1)

doc = record.content

The second line above extracts the spaCy doc from the records, and it can be treated like any spaCy doc.

You can also supply a list of ids to Corpus.get_records(). If you pass nothing to the method, all the records in the corpus will be retrieved.

If you do not know the id(s) of the document(s) you want, you can provide a query for Corpus.get_records():

records = corpus.get_records(query="id < 10")
for record in records:

This will yield a generator with each of the records with an id less than 10.


On the back end, Corpus.get() and Corpus.get_records() call Corpus.meta, which contains a subset of the metadata for each record. A pandas dataframe is constructed from this metadata. The query can therefore be anything acceptable to pandas.DataFrame.query(). This allows complex queries to be performed on the corpus.

If you want just the metadata for a record, probably the easiest method is metadata = corpus.get(1).dict().remove("content").

Viewing the Records Table¤

Corpus.records_table() generates a pandas dataframe with each record in a separate row. By default, the id, name, filename, num_tokens, num_terms, is_active, and is_parsed attributes are displayed columns. You can supply your own list of columns with the columns argument, or you can exclude specific columns with the exclude argument.

Setting Record Properties¤

After a corpus is instantiated, you can set the properties of individual records with Corpus.set():

corpus.set(1, {"name": "John Smith"})

Removing Records¤

Corpus.remove() and Corpus.remove_records() can be used to remove records from a corpus. The former takes an id number and the latter takes a list of ids.

Using Records¤

Typically, you would retrieve records using Corpus.get_records() and then pass their content to another Lexos module. For example, here is how you would create a document-term matrix:

# Get the records
records = corpus.get_records()

# Extract the documents and labels
docs = [record.content for record in records]
labels = [ for record in records]

# Import the dtm module and generate a document-term matrix
from lexos.dtm import DTM

# Build the DTM
dtm = DTM(docs, labels)